Saturday, April 16, 2011

Appeal to Vanity

Apple polishing is an appeal to vanity. It is essentially a negative type of an appeal. In these types of cases, it usually occurs when a reaction or decision is made because of another person’s actions, which usually involves some type of positive aspect towards the person making the decision. In essence, it is basically known as brown nosing, or kissing someone’s behind in order to get the praise or feedback that you want or desire. This happens all of the time in the working world. Many may have experience a situation similar to the one that I am going to describe;

“Eddie is a coworker of mine. He is lazy, sloppy, and always late. But he is always complimenting the manager, pointing the blame at others, and making himself stand out as a good worker. As a result, he received the largest Christmas bonus and will most likely receive a promotion.”

Eddie’s actions have caused the manager to move him up the ladder, because of appeals to vanity.

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